Aplicación zerohash

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  • zerohash se asocia con la UNESCO para
    apoyar la alfabetización financiera en todo el mundo.

  • Dando esperanza
    a los refugiados

    Igualaremos* cada dólar de
    su donación al ACNUR.

    *La igualación de dólar por dólar solo está disponible
    para clientes nuevos y existentes de zerohash .

    © ACNUR/Andrew McConnell

  • Gobernanza
    social del medio ambiente

    En un esfuerzo por dejar una huella positiva en
    nuestro planeta, esto es lo que zerohash está
    haciendo en nuestro viaje ESG.

    Vea nuestro video ESG

Nuestra filosofía ESG

zerohash es mucho más que un bróker y nuestra visión va mucho más allá del trading. Toda operación comercial tiene un impacto social y económico inmensurable y reconocemos nuestro potencial para generar un cambio positivo.

La creación de una empresa no puede tener como objetivo obtener beneficios a toda costa. En cambio, deseamos mejorar la situación de todos. Creemos que podemos mejorar la situación de todos juntos, desarrollando nuestras comunidades y ayudando a nuestro planeta, para que todos estén mejor que antes.

  • Descripción general

  • Sostenibilidad

  • Iniciativas

Estos son nuestros cinco principios rectores

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5

La sostenibilidad empieza desde dentro

La sostenibilidad es el eje central de nuestro negocio. Nos esforzamos por ser parte de la solución a algunos de los problemas más urgentes del mundo, como la desigualdad, la pobreza y el cambio climático.

Valoramos la transparencia, la responsabilidad y la integridad. Nos esforzamos por lograr una transparencia total en nuestras divulgaciones y mantenemos un sistema de retroalimentación abierto entre los miembros del equipo y la gerencia.

Con nuestra presencia global, la diversidad es el ingrediente secreto de nuestro éxito y con eso, hemos construido una cultura corporativa de aceptación, inclusión y celebración de cada individuo.

La sostenibilidad también empodera y libera a las comunidades que nos rodean. Deseamos empoderar a quienes son menos afortunados y ayudarlos a salir de la pobreza.

Todo esto está integrado en nuestro código de conducta, donde los miembros de nuestro equipo comprenden y valoran la importancia de los criterios ESG en nuestro negocio y lo viven en nuestras operaciones diarias.

Adoptar medidas climáticas positivas en cada paso

Como empresa online, operamos en un sector con bajas emisiones nocivas, pero hay mucho más que queremos hacer.

Estamos conservando energía activamente en nuestras operaciones y buscando formas de reducirlas aún más en general, incluidos incentivos para ideas innovadoras de conservación de energía.

Estamos reduciendo nuestros residuos mediante la clasificación y el reciclaje de residuos, fomentando el BYO para reducir los plásticos y cubiertos de un solo uso entre los miembros de nuestro equipo y buscando soluciones reutilizables a largo plazo.

Estamos reduciendo nuestro uso de papel, aprovechando los beneficios de las soluciones digitales y la computación en la nube para nuestras necesidades de colaboración y presentación.

Estas pequeñas acciones se sumarán para generar un impacto mucho mayor y crearán efectos dominó a nuestro alrededor, a medida que los miembros de nuestro equipo se convierten en embajadores del cambio.

Nadie se queda atrás

Cada decisión comercial que tomamos y cada paso de nuestro viaje ESG está influenciado e informado por el impacto que sabemos que tendrá en las personas tanto dentro como fuera de nuestra empresa: nuestros empleados y sus familias, nuestros clientes y proveedores, incluso nuestras comunidades.

Imaginamos un mundo equitativo donde todos puedan alcanzar su máximo potencial, independientemente de sus circunstancias individuales, y aspiramos a ser parte de la solución.

We continue to harness cutting edge technology to innovate and improve our existing products and platforms to reduce inequality of access to education.

With our enhanced free online trading school, we aim to help more to learn about trading, manage their risk, and increase their chances of gaining financial independence through trading.

Strong governance as our bottom line

Strong corporate governance forms the backbone of our entire operation and is embedded within our corporate culture and identity.

We do not tolerate corruption, racism, marginalisation or discrimination of any group.

We are committed to ensuring our business dealings are conducted responsibly, transparently, and ethically.

Our products are designed to deliver the best in execution and performance, while our marketing activities are appropriately targeted to suitable potential clients.

The trust our clients place in us is of utmost importance. All of our clients funds' are placed in segregated trust accounts in the top rated banks of their respective jurisdictions.

At all times, we remain fully compliant and accountable to our regulators in our respective jurisdictions, including ASIC in Australia, FCA in UK, VFSC in Vanuatu, and CIMA in Cayman Islands.

Embracing diversity in all forms

Our business is only as good as our people, and our people are pretty great. We've convened a hugely talented and wonderfully diverse team of people, who bring with them an unstoppable drive and limitless creative energy into the business. And we wouldn't have it any other way.

We welcome people of any age, gender, ethnicity, faith, or physical capability, who hold the same values as we do, and are equally committed to zerohash 's vision and success.

Beyond making every team member feel included, we prioritise retention, development, and promotion for our team members, to ensure everyone is empowered to achieve the success they deserve, regardless of their backgrounds.

Outside of work, we provide benefits for employees to seek opportunities for personal development, or just seek self-care. We also believe in keeping a clear distinction between work and personal time and provide flexible working arrangements for team members who need it.

UN Sustainable Development Goals

The United Nations established the following Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future; An urgent call for action by all countries - developed and developing - in a global partnership.

  • No
  • Zero
  • Good Health
    And Wellness
  • Quality
  • Gender
  • Clean Water
    And Sanitation
  • Affordable
    And Clean
  • Decent Work
    & Economic
  • Industry,
    Innovation And
  • Reduced
  • Sustainable
    Cities And
  • Responsible
    And Production
  • Climate
  • Life Below
  • Life On
  • Peace, Justice
    And Strong
  • Partnerships
    For The Goals
No Poverty 1

Goal 1: End poverty

We endeavour to help end extreme poverty, where people live on less than US$1.25 a day. We want to support organisations that offer social protection systems to the poor and vulnerable, offer access to appropriate financial services (like microfinance), and raise their resilience against economic, social and environmental shocks.

Zero Hunger 2

Goal 2: End hunger

We strive to do our part to help end hunger around the world. We want to aid our local communities to increase food security and reduce malnutrition, and support organisations that can provide safe, nutritious and sufficient food all year round to the poor and vulnerable.

Good Health And Wellness 3

Goal 3: Ensure healthy lives

We want to assist our local communities in receiving adequate and affordable medical care, medicines and vaccines. By helping local medical services who serve our poor and vulnerable, we hope to be a part of the solution to combat tropical, waterborne and communicable diseases, and reduce maternal and neonatal mortality rates.

Quality Education 4

Goal 4: Ensure access to equitable quality education

We believe quality education is the best equaliser. We are investing in the future of our vulnerable communities, by equipping educators and schools to provide equitable education for both boys and girls, starting from preschool. For youth and adults, we hope to increase enrolment in tertiary education, including technical and vocational schools. This will help improve literacy and numeracy standards in these low-income communities, and empower them with the skills needed for employment.

Gender Equality 5

Goal 5: Empower women and girls

We want to be part of the solution in ending gender discrimination, and empowering women and girls everywhere. We recognize the value of women's unpaid care and domestic work within a household, and actively provide equal opportunities for employment and leadership within our organisation.

Clean Water And Sanitation 6

Goal 6: Ensure availability of safe drinking water

We believe the access to safe, clean drinking water is a basic human right. We support organisations that provide access to safe and affordable drinking water, and good sanitation management. We are also working to restore water-related ecosystems, including mountains, forests, wetlands, rivers, aquifers and lakes, and natural recurring sources of clean water.

Affordable And Clean Energy 7

Goal 7: Ensure access to energy

We take energy efficiency very seriously. Within our operations, we are moving towards the use of energy efficient lighting, equipment, and we request that our third party service providers do the same. We are also partnering with companies that are in the renewable energy space, in moving towards universal access to affordable, reliable and modern energy services for everyone.

Decent Work & Economic Growth 8

Goal 8: Promote sustainable economic growth

We are constantly upgrading, innovating and reinventing the way we run our business, to provide higher levels of economic productivity, and the creation of higher value-added jobs around the world. We are also looking to beef up our training capacity to ensure more capable and highly motivated young people are equipped to join our ranks. We are the biggest advocated for labour rights, and the provision of safe and secure working environments for all our staff.

Industry, Innovation And Infrastructure 9

Goal 9: Foster innovation

As a global company, we build sustainable, reliable, efficient infrastructure, and invest in research and innovation, to ensure affordable and equitable access to information and financial services, especially in developing countries.

Reduced Inequalities 10

Goal 10: Reduce inequality

As a provider of equitable access to education, information, and financial services in both developed and developing countries, we hope to promote economic inclusion and raise income growth for the poor and vulnerable communities, irrespective of age, sex, disability, race, ethnicity, origin, religion or economic or other status. We ensure equal opportunity for all our employees, with a zero-tolerance stance towards discriminatory policies or practices.

Sustainable Cities And Communities 11

Goal 11: Make cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable

We believe every person has the right to live in an inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable community, and we are partnering with organisations who provide access to safe, affordable, accessible and sustainable transport systems, and actively work to mitigate the impact of natural disasters for the poor and vulnerable.

Responsible Consumption And Production 12

Goal 12: Sustainable consumption

At zerohash , sustainable consumption starts from within. We encourage minimal food waste, and responsible use of office supplies. We work with vendors who manage the recycling and repair of our used equipment, and actively sort and recycle our waste.

Climate Action 13

Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

We are serious about climate change and are taking steps towards that goal. Even our sponsorship of the McLaren Extreme E team in 2022 was a nod to our ambitions. With every race, we are drawing attention to the impact of climate change, and the ways we can help to mitigate its effects. Because every bit counts.

Life Below Water 14

Goal 14: Conserve our oceans

Protecting our oceans helps protect the fragile marine and coastal ecosystems. We are supporting local beach clean-up efforts around the world, to help reduce the debris and pollution in our oceans.

Life On Land 15

Goal 15: Protect our forests

We believe that trees are the vital key to life, and the protection of forests goes towards ensuring the conservation of entire ecosystems, and even preventing the extinction of many endangered species. Our partnership with OneTreePlanted is our step towards reforestation and restoring land affected by desertification, drought and floods.

Peace, Justice And Strong Institutions 16

Goal 16: Build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions

As a regulated broker across multiple jurisdictions, it is our imperative to operate an effective, accountable and transparent institution, with responsive, inclusive, participatory and representative decision-making at all levels. We too enforce non-discriminatory laws and policies for sustainable development.

Partnerships For The Goals 17

Goal 17: Strengthen sustainable development globally

We know that we are all as strong as those of us who are the weakest. As a company, we believe in sharing knowledge, expertise, technology and financial resources, with those who are in lack, while we tap on promising initiatives for sustainable development in those countries.

Our Journey

zerohash X Stamford International University (Thailand)

We’ve signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Stamford International University (STIU) in Thailand!
Under the MOU, we hope to provide internship opportunities and educational support to the STIU students with the aim of helping them develop financial knowledge and skills. Our Global ESG Ambassador Charlie Walker and Dr. Apitep Saekow, Stamford International University’s President were present at the signing ceremony held at STIU on 30 January 2023.

zerohash x ACRF

We’re pleased to sponsor the Australian Cancer Research Foundation (ACRF). ACRF supports research institutions with the technology, equipment, and infrastructure they need to improve cancer prevention, early detection, and treatment. During the course of our ESG journey, zerohash hopes our partnership with ACRF will provide the needed funding for groundbreaking cancer research, as we together envision a world without cancer.

zerohash X SupercarBlondie

We’re thrilled to be partnering with Supercar Blondie, the Australian internet sensation with over 75 million social followers, in our ESG journey.

Supercar Blondie joins zerohash in Sardinia, Italy, to participate in Extreme E’s Blue Carbon initiative – during the week of the Extreme E Island X Prix II race – restoring seagrass ecosystems. Seagrass captures carbon up to 35 times faster than tropical rainforests, and while it only covers 0.2% of the seafloor, it absorbs 10% of the ocean’s carbon each year, making it an incredible tool in the fight against climate change.

Learn more here.

Global Blood Donation Drive

We have kicked off our ESG journey with the simple act of giving life, in conjunction with World Blood Donor Day in June.

We partnered with Red Cross to conduct blood donation drives around the world. Our teams in Australia, Hong Kong, and Vietnam have already concluded their donation drives for 2022, with many other countries to follow.

The decision to donate blood is a highly personal and intimate one, and we are thankful and grateful to our teams for this precious gift. Let us continue on this journey, and together we can make a difference.

McLaren Extreme E Partnership

In 2022, we announced our partnership with McLaren MX Extreme E.

We’re supporting the McLaren Racing team as Tanner Foust and Emma Gilmour race state-of-the-art electric SUVs, through the most extreme terrains around the world, to raise awareness for climate change. Learn more about our sponsorship here.

Covid-19 relief 2021 (Thailand)

Amid the worst waves of the Covid-19 pandemic, our zerohash team in Thailand donated food and medical equipment to the staff at Erawan Hospital 3. This was a small token to express our support for the frontline medical doctors, nurses, and staff, who worked tirelessly day and night to save those affected by the SARs-CoV 2 virus.

Green Initiatives Across the Globe

We are reducing our energy usage with LED light bulbs and energy efficient appliances within our offices. To reduce our paper waste, our staff manuals and policies are stored in the cloud as we mandate company-wide document digitisation.

Our offices are decorated with live plants to improve the air quality in our offices and our staff’s mental health and overall well-being.

We’ve made the switch to minimise disposables, and encourage BYO cutlery and containers for takeout meals. Within our offices, we provide clean drinking water so staff can refill their reusable cups and bottles. At the same time, we provide recycling facilities onsite to allow our staff to sort their recyclables, thereby reducing waste that would go to landfills.

Nos complace anunciar nuestra asociación con la Agencia de la ONU para los Refugiados (ACNUR) y nuestra primera campaña mundial de donaciones para recaudar fondos para los refugiados.

Igualaremos las donaciones, dólar por dólar*, para duplicar el impacto de nuestra contribución en apoyo a los esfuerzos de socorro para los refugiados.

En zerohash , creemos en empoderar a aquellos menos afortunados que nosotros y estamos trabajando para crear un mejor futuro compartido para todos.

Apoyemos a los refugiados y mostremos al mundo el impacto que podemos generar con nuestra contribución. Juntos, podemos hacer que la atención sea nuestra moneda común.

*La donación dólar por dólar solo se aplica a las donaciones de clientes nuevos y existentes de zerohash .

Marc Despallieres,
director de estrategia

zerohash coloca los aspectos ambientales, sociales y de gobernanza (ESG) en el centro de nuestras decisiones comerciales. Con un fuerte deseo de generar conciencia sobre la sostenibilidad y la diversidad de género, y un compromiso inquebrantable hacia un mejor futuro compartido.

La sostenibilidad no es un buen negocio, es nuestro negocio.

¿Quieres generar un impacto positivo?

Si está interesado en colaborar con nosotros en iniciativas ESG, envíenos un correo electrónico a través del botón a continuación.


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